Monday, September 13, 2010

World of Warcraft

I personally love World of Warcraft. I consider it an excellent time sink and any time I feel like my real world dollars ($15/mo) aren't amounting to anything I take a peek at what my account is worth on WoW account selling websites. Apparently, it's worth a lot.

This opens up a whole can of worms. Most people don't understand that they do NOT, wait let me re-emphasize do NOT own their WoW account. Nope, it's in the EULA (End User License Agreement) and ToS (Terms of Service) that you agree to upon installing the game and any major updates/expansions that come after the initial installation. What does this mean? That selling your account is illegal for starters. Also it means that if tomorrow Blizzard deletes my character that I've put over 1800 real life hours into then there's nothing that I can do. It was Blizzard's property in the first place and being such they have the right to do what they want with it. Which also means that by selling my account I am actually selling the property of Blizzard. Now you're starting to see why it's illegal I hope.

I don't advocate selling your account. Nor do I have a deep burning desire to sell mine. I'm just saying that the fact that I can sell my account makes me feel like I'm not wasting my time and money. Especially since an account like mine sells for far more than I've spent on it (even after character transfers).

This is my Orc Shaman: Ashenfury
World of Warcraft does so many things right and so many things wrong. I've always wished that Wintergrasp and related zones/objectives had to be physically rebuilt via quests. If you don't do the quests to rebuild the walls then you start the next round with damage to your keep. Wouldn't that solidify your feelings of ownership? I would defend a wall with more heated passion if I acquired the stones used to reconstruct it. That was one thing that Silk Road did right. When you took a keep with your guild it gave you good buffs, a steady income, and server wide recognition are just a few among many of the reasons to retain control of the keep. The only reason I want Wintergrasp is for Stone Keeper Shards.