Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Being Shaggy Dad

Ok, today is a strange post. You get to actually see through a tiny window into my life. When I was young (16 I think) I got into a really bad car accident and injured one of my 'friends'. This friend and I would hang out all day, smoke pot and play Grand Theft Auto III. After the accident he stopped answering the door. 2 years later I get a summons to court. Not the, "Yay, I get out of work!" kind mind you but the "Oh fuck, I'm getting sued!" kind. Yeah...

So the initial lawsuit was for something like 2 million dollars. We ended up settling at a fraction of the initial amount (somewhere around 200k). The insurance company took care of nearly all of the expenses and I was banned from touching so much as a hot-wheel for years. Life went on and I had nearly completely forgotten about the man that I'll lovingly dub: dumbfuck.

Here's a pic of dumbfuck from a few years ago
So dumbfuck ends up sending me a Facebook friend request. My word for word reply was a message with the title of "Are you stupid or just lonely?" and a message of "You tried to sue me for 2 million dollars. Why would I be your 'friend'?"... his reply was exactly what a wanted. A poorly worded and poorly planned flame letter. In it he pretty much cuts loose and in the process he makes himself look like a complete tool. My reply pretty much schools him in the art of diplomacy as I calmly touch on each point that he makes and I warp it to fit my own twisted desires of keyboard wars. I had won and the victory was clear. There was no rebuttal which could match my cold precise logic... well that's what I thought at least...

His reply... "Sorry man, I was just trying to bury the hatchet.". He then goes on to apologize and acknowledges that the things he said were inappropriate. He ends his retort (if I can even call it that) with a statement that his offer is open ended and that I can take him up on it at any time. Wow... I wasn't expecting that...

So now here I am being a dick and blogging about it. The thing is... I'm not really ready to forgive or forget. While forgiving him may be the only thing that sets myself free it certainly won't win any points of any kind with my family members who were put through a great deal because of the lawsuit. Dumbfuck really surprised me and it's hard not to like someone that admits when they're wrong. I can't forgive... I can't forget... but at least I can be a Facebook friend to the poor, lonely, over dramatic son of a bitch.