World of Warcraft
Here is my main character for WOW. I've solved the issue I was having before with reputation. It turns out that vanilla characters can still cap their reputations a few different ways. I'm using the Argent Tournament's [Champion's Writ] to cap Orgrimmar and Undercity reputation/s. I'll be using regular daily quests to cap Darkspear and Silvermoon reputation/s. I'll use starter quests to cap Thunder Bluff reputation.
Now first off, I would love for there to be a little input into my character. Let me know what you think. This is my primary toon and will be the one closest to perfection at all times. I also play a druid/warrior/priest. On a side note I play WOW with several real life friends. When I played without any IRL (in real life for you non-gaming nerds) friends the game seemed much more hollow and empty. Now that I have over 5 friends playing with me it almost feels like hanging out. I highly recommend getting a real life friend involved in WOW.
Also, if your friend hasn't played before they (and you) get an awesome chance to take advantage of a killer promotion called Refer-A-Friend. Triple XP, exotic mounts and granting (free) levels are some nice perks included. I used it with a friend of mine and managed to get 3 toons to 60 before we got bored.
As I've stated before, I like reefer. I usually purchase schwag on a regular basis and good buds on occasions. One day while looking at my finances I noticed that a decent portion of my overall bills was my 'recreational' bill. I lump all things recreational into it like concerts, drinking, weed, etc. That's when I started buying more than just a half ounce at a time. My bill went down substantially but I've noticed that although the price went down so did the quality. When you're buying 4 to 16 ounces at a time it really sucks to find out your shit is all moldy. This is what turned me off to purchasing in massive bulk and another reason I want it regulated.
See, when it's regulated you know it's not only crime/violence free but it's also safe and clean. Standards will begin to emerge and potency will begin to level out. I once purchased an entire pound (16 ounces) for $450.00 and it wasn't completely cured. After taking out a few ounces and throwing the remainder in a zip-loc I returned to find a funky smell when I revisited secret squirrel's stash. The green had turned slightly darker and the aroma was that of ammonia or some other stiff stinky chemical. Needless to say I had a lot of product that I did not enjoy getting rid of. In a regulated industry that wouldn't happen and there would have been no need for me to take the health risk of smoking some unknown stinky pot mold. Fuckers. Also, WOW+Marijuana = My evening. If you play WOW without marijuana then I am amazed.
If you're interested in supporting the initiative to legalize and hopefully one day decriminalize then visit this website: NORML
AFK - Stalwart
AFK is an acronym for Away From Keyboard. In definition it means that you are not present at a keyboard. What it means online is that you cannot immediately communicate. You're either looking at another program (known as "alt tabbing"), doing something else non-computer related or you just don't want to be bothered.
I've pasted the definition of stalwart below. A conclusion can be drawn from both the definition as well as context that the phrase is used in. Stalwart believers are those who are completely behind their belief. I mentioned my cousin being a Stalwart Believer and a few people Googled that to get here.