Monday, September 20, 2010

WoW, Marijuana and A.F.K. Defined

So today's post is dedicated to the three topics that have generated traffic through Google searches and related web pages. I will forever continue to post views on all topics but will concentrate on the most popular topics (Right now Marijuana and WoW are fighting for the top spot... just like in my life! Bad joke, whatever. )

World of Warcraft
Here is my main character for WOW. I've solved the issue I was having before with reputation. It turns out that vanilla characters can still cap their reputations a few different ways. I'm using the Argent Tournament's [Champion's Writ] to cap Orgrimmar and Undercity reputation/s. I'll be using regular daily quests to cap Darkspear and Silvermoon reputation/s. I'll use starter quests to cap Thunder Bluff reputation.

Now first off, I would love for there to be a little input into my character. Let me know what you think. This is my primary toon and will be the one closest to perfection at all times. I also play a druid/warrior/priest. On a side note I play WOW with several real life friends. When I played without any IRL (in real life for you non-gaming nerds) friends the game seemed much more hollow and empty. Now that I have over 5 friends playing with me it almost feels like hanging out. I highly recommend getting a real life friend involved in WOW.

Also, if your friend hasn't played before they (and you) get an awesome chance to take advantage of a killer promotion called Refer-A-Friend. Triple XP, exotic mounts and granting (free) levels are some nice perks included. I used it with a friend of mine and managed to get 3 toons to 60 before we got bored.

As I've stated before, I like reefer. I usually purchase schwag on a regular basis and good buds on occasions. One day while looking at my finances I noticed that a decent portion of my overall bills was my 'recreational' bill. I lump all things recreational into it like concerts, drinking, weed, etc. That's when I started buying more than just a half ounce at a time. My bill went down substantially but I've noticed that although the price went down so did the quality. When you're buying 4 to 16 ounces at a time it really sucks to find out your shit is all moldy. This is what turned me off to purchasing in massive bulk and another reason I want it regulated.

See, when it's regulated you know it's not only crime/violence free but it's also safe and clean. Standards will begin to emerge and potency will begin to level out. I once purchased an entire pound (16 ounces) for $450.00 and it wasn't completely cured. After taking out a few ounces and throwing the remainder in a zip-loc I returned to find a funky smell when I revisited secret squirrel's stash. The green had turned slightly darker and the aroma was that of ammonia or some other stiff stinky chemical. Needless to say I had a lot of product that I did not enjoy getting rid of. In a regulated industry that wouldn't happen and there would have been no need for me to take the health risk of smoking some unknown stinky pot mold. Fuckers. Also, WOW+Marijuana = My evening. If you play WOW without marijuana then I am amazed.

If you're interested in supporting the initiative to legalize and hopefully one day decriminalize then visit this website: NORML

AFK - Stalwart
AFK is an acronym for Away From Keyboard. In definition it means that you are not present at a keyboard. What it means online is that you cannot immediately communicate. You're either looking at another program (known as "alt tabbing"), doing something else non-computer related or you just don't want to be bothered.

I've pasted the definition of stalwart below. A conclusion can be drawn from both the definition as well as context that the phrase is used in. Stalwart believers are those who are completely behind their belief. I mentioned my cousin being a Stalwart Believer and a few people Googled that to get here.

A loyal, reliable, and hardworking supporter or participant in an organization or team: "the stalwarts of the Ladies' Auxiliary".