Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo stock was at a low a while back. I sent an e-mail out to several people saying they should buy it. Nintendo is always the first to come out with the creative use of technology. They were the first to really pull off using motion controllers. Before that we have had several motion controllers but none that were embraced by the mainstream the way the Wii was. They are now the first to integrate genuine 3D images without glasses.

When the Nintendo Wii was released it was difficult to find. The price was a very gentle $300 for a new console with games and a controller. The controller was motion controlled too, you can't beat that! Analysts said that the unit was sorely under priced and could have sold competitively with a much higher price tag. Now it seems as if they're attempting to better price their next release to market conditions.
I'm not sure why, but nothing about that looks fun.
It has more than investors excited... it has the whole gaming industry buzzing. The possibilities of this are astounding. Think about your XBOX displaying your Heads Up Display (HUD: ammo, health, mana, etc) as a 3D holographic display while you play on a absolutely clutter free 3D enabled LCD screen. Or solving a holographic rubic cube on your Playstation with a movement controller and 3D image interaction as in you actually touch the hologram to make it move. Nintendo just crossed a boundary that gamers and science fiction alike have been dreaming of for a long time.

It's one of the most exciting times I've ever seen in the gaming industry. We're right on the verge of this awesome trifecta of 3D (genuine 3D) high resolution graphics, motion controlled gameplay and years of experience in game production. Remember how during the renaissance there was also an explosion of art. Well be prepared because we're in the beginning of a new renaissance and our art isn't on a canvas anymore. It's now on digitally downloaded videogames and 3D theaters with high resolution screens that wrap around your vision. Exciting time indeed.